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Cataloxy Schenectady...Companies in SchenectadyChemicals, Pharmaceuticals & PlasticsHealth, medical and pharmaceuticalHealth services, specialisedBaptist Retirement Ctr

Baptist Retirement Ctr, Schenectady

city Schenectady

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Baptist Health System , People Caring for People

Physicians & Surgeons The of Baptist Retirement Ctr is ANTONIO ALOTTA Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Baptist Health Nursing and Rehabilitation Center is a skilled rehabilitation facility and Scotia nursing home that provides full service for people requiring either long or short term comprehensive care.
Located in a quiet, picturesque setting in Glenville, NY, Judson Meadows Assisted Living Community features studio, one and two bedroom apartments with a comprehensive range of services to meet your individual needs.
Homeward Bound Transitional Care provides individualized therapy programs for patients after discharge from the hospital. Our focus is to ensure recuperation will be as smooth as possible, offering physical, occupational and speech therapy.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Baptist Retirement Ctr in Schenectady you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 297 N Ballston Ave
12302, Schenectady, New York

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